Tuesday, September 27, 2011

6 Days Post-Surgery

So today is Monday, 6 days post-surgery. I have had trouble with my laptop and haven't been able to post much since Thursday. I'm doing great now. I believe I finished all the Demerol I had on Friday night and have been using regular over-the-counter Ibuprofen as needed since then. For the most part, I haven't needed to take the Ibuprofen around the clock. Each day I was able to get around more, but today was the first day that I was able to get up and stay up all day, with only a few minutes sitting. I was even able to stand for 2 hours to cook a nice dinner. The only pain I have now is from the incision. The incision feels tight and dry and has occasional shooting pains, but is definitely bearable. I just put ice on the foot when I feel the pain and take an Ibuprofen and I feel better.

I've been wearing my boot a little less everyday and by Saturday night, I was able to leave the boot off the entire night while I slept. (Although I wouldn't recommend this if you are not sleeping alone because of the chance of bumping your foot through the night). Of course, when I was up walking around, I always tried to wear my boot.  There have been a few occasions that I tested out my foot without the boot, but this isn't recommended.

Tomorrow I will be heading to the podiatrist for my 1 week check-up. I expect that I will get another X-ray. Then the doctor will come in and remove the ACE bandage and then the gauze (which has not been removed at all since the surgery), inspect the surgery site and re-wrap it with a new ACE bandage. And if everything looks good, he should also tell me that I can get my foot wet.

I'll be sure to let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I was wondering how you are doing a year later. I am having the same surgery in the morning. Uou information has helped me a lot.
